Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 6 - Orphanage/Prison

Today the women broke into a church and the men went to jail. Granted, the women only broke in because no one was there and they wanted to paint and clean the church more, and the guys were at the prison to minster to inmates... but still, it makes us sound like rebels or something doesn't it?

Today was a wonderfully exhausting day.

Today the women and Mark (because he is kind enough to join us) went to Tia Ana's (Aunt Ana) Orphanage which houses the abandoned children of prostitutes. This orphanage is run by a woman with a beautiful testimony (another story for team members to tell you). We were able to spend the morning with the children before they left for school in the afternoon. It was so much fun. We had bubbles, jump ropes, face paint, balls, sidewalk chalk, Go Fish (in Spanish and English), Devon made bracelts with the kids... there was so much going on. After the children left for school, we were able to assess what the needs of the orphanage were (mostly food, some simple household items that would make their lives easier and more efficeint) and spent the afternoon shopping for all the things on the list. Cindy and Mona were able to cross everything off the list pretty quickly and we were back at Tia Ana's before the guys got finished at the prison.

In an attempt to get as much work done as possible, the choice was made to head to the church and finish doing all the necessary painting. However, the gates and doors were all locked. Thanks to the combined powers of Mark and Beth, (who both climbed over the brock wall and unlocked doors by reaching through slighly opened windows, we were able to break in to the church and get to work. Everyone on the Orphanage team had a wonderful time, and we can't wait to go back tomorrow.

.... coming soon... again...

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