Saturday, July 4, 2009

G.I. Joe Takes Over the Retreat Center

Wednesday, July 1st

Today was the last day of the retreat, and it was jam-packed! Our morning started at 5:45am with a military-style workout led by Joe. The Salvadorans didn't know what hit them! After the workout, everyone got cleaned up and went in for our final sessions, followed by some friendly games of volleyball.

After the games, the group split into their small groups and talked about how to use what they've learned over the three days to impact their communities. Our team sat down together and Tyler challenged them to create individual action plans for bringing back the lessons.

After the churches and groups all had time to talk, one person from each area got up in front of everyone and shared their plans with the group. It was wonderful to see the impact that the retreat had on everyone, and the passion for change that was initiated. I can't wait to visit the country next year and see what has come of the plans.

We packed all our bags, and loaded up the buses. After a final group picture, we headed to Melvin's church for a service and certificate presentation. The service was great, Pastor Kevin delivered the sermon and there was plenty of singing and celebrating. After the retreat participants were presented their certificates, we all said our good-byes.

The night concluded with a meal of pupusas (I'm sure you will hear all about them). The retreat went wonderful, and everyone came back with a refreshed passion for impacting their community.

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