Surprise! We had a moment of wifi so I could upload our last few days of posts! (We've NEVER been able to update this often! So great!)
We had such a great first day of the retreat! Part of the team ran ahead to set up the camp, the rest rode up on the bus with the kids and got them fired up for the weekend!
Day One included the tire competitions, small groups, and leadership sessions! The cutest part of the day was once the competitions were over, the neighborhood kids who had been watching started to play on the tires! They pulled Tyler across the field, laughing. It was a perfect teaching moment for the teenagers: your community is watching you. They are following your example. Will you lead them to do good?
The day ended with worship lead by Jordan and Yaneth (a Salvadoran friend) and we had some free time to socialize before heading to bed! What a great day!!
Continue praying for us and we'll continue to update you as we can!