Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Day 9 – Church and Castillo del Ray
After church it was time to pack quickly and load onto the bus to head to Castillo del Ray, a retreat center that sits on the edge of a volcanic lake, where we would be having our reflection retreat. We intended to simply stop by the volcanic lake to get a look around before heading to the cabins we would be staying in near the volcano we planned to climb the following morning. God had a different plan. It began pouring rain, one of our vans was taken by one of the drivers to be fixed and never returned, our other van broke down when Tyler attempted to take that van to pick up food… the list goes on an on, including a dinner of M&Ms and Beef Jerkey. The directors at the retreat center were wonderfully gracious and allowed us to stay in the dormitories foe the evening (HOT SHOWERS!!!)
It was certainly a day filled with obstacles. God took the opportunity to teach us trust and fluidity. We shall see what tomorrow brings.
Day 8 – Playa del Cuco
Playa del Cuco (I have no idea if that is spelled correctly) is well known in El Salvador as one of the best beaches. We were able to leave pretty early for the 3.5 hour drive out to this particular beach and spent most of the day relaxing. Everyone spent their rejuvenation day a little differently. I, myself, spent most of the time in a hammock, catching up on my reading. April and Mona set out down the beach to collect beautiful shells; Criag and Cindy walked the beach; Logan amazed the little kids by doing handstands on the beach; Katy, Megan and Devon went swimming; etc. I think it was exactly what the team needed after a five day stretch of “Go, Go, GO!”
Day 7 – Orphanage and Prison (Continued)
Hello Everyone! I am so sorry we have not been able to post the daily updates, the internet has not been working properly. I hope you still enjoy catching up with what has been taking place these past few days.
Today was the continuation of Thursday’s work. The ladies and Mark went to spend another day at the orphanage with Tia Ana and the children, and the men went back for another day at the prison. The orphanage team had the orphanage team had the opportunity to spend another morning with the children and an afternoon with Tia Ana. We played many many games of Pesca! (Go Fish!), blew lots of bubbles, ran through the face paint, and decorated like shower caddies for each of the children. Once the kids left for school around 1:00pm, Tia Ana began treating all of us like her children (she has raised over 70 children since starting the orphanage). She could see how drained we all were from the week and led us one-by-one to beds, laid everyone down, placed the fans around and said “Sleep!”. She is such a beautiful woman.
While the orphanage team was enjoying a day of work and play, the prison team was trying to overcome the setback of the previous night. Russ had his camcorder stolen with all of the footage from the first day at the prison. The prison has never before allowed cameras of any kind, and after finding out that the camera was stolen, refused to allow another one in. We are working to get the stolen camera back, but until that happens, we have only the men’s stories to rely on… but wow, what stories they are! It sounds like they had an incredible experience.
After finishing up at the prison, the men joined us at the orphanage to listen to Tia Ana’s testimony. Her story is a powerful and inspiring tale of the power Jesus had to alter a lifestyle. Please ask team members to share this incredible story with you when they return home, it is definitely something that isn’t to be missed.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Day 6 - Orphanage/Prison
Today was a wonderfully exhausting day.
Today the women and Mark (because he is kind enough to join us) went to Tia Ana's (Aunt Ana) Orphanage which houses the abandoned children of prostitutes. This orphanage is run by a woman with a beautiful testimony (another story for team members to tell you). We were able to spend the morning with the children before they left for school in the afternoon. It was so much fun. We had bubbles, jump ropes, face paint, balls, sidewalk chalk, Go Fish (in Spanish and English), Devon made bracelts with the kids... there was so much going on. After the children left for school, we were able to assess what the needs of the orphanage were (mostly food, some simple household items that would make their lives easier and more efficeint) and spent the afternoon shopping for all the things on the list. Cindy and Mona were able to cross everything off the list pretty quickly and we were back at Tia Ana's before the guys got finished at the prison.
In an attempt to get as much work done as possible, the choice was made to head to the church and finish doing all the necessary painting. However, the gates and doors were all locked. Thanks to the combined powers of Mark and Beth, (who both climbed over the brock wall and unlocked doors by reaching through slighly opened windows, we were able to break in to the church and get to work. Everyone on the Orphanage team had a wonderful time, and we can't wait to go back tomorrow.
.... coming soon... again...
Day 5 - Santa Ana
Women's School (Cindy):
Today was spent at Stanta Ana. Wegot into the retreat center that we stayed at around 12:30am. We had to be up and ready for breakfast bu 6:00am. We went to a school in Santa Ana. It was back off the main road that turns into a dirt road. It sat back around a small community of homes that was nothing but metal shacks. The school had about 9 classrooms from kindergarden to 11th grade. Some of us talked to the female students about the beauty of a woman. Others wored in the kitchen and served the food to the class rooms. Others did the gym class and then took the older male students out in the muddy field and did the military training program. They came back covered with mud. Then Tyler did his "Power of One" speech to the student body. It was very powerful. The students were beautiful, we got lots of hugs and kisses. Once again God is working.
Food Service (Beth):
The lunch crew (April, Beth, Mark and Megan) served a mid-morning meal of arroz (rice) and frijoles (beans) to all nine classes of students of Santa Ana school. The lunch crew prepared individual plates in an 6"x12" tray. Beth delivered these plates along with a vitamin fortified drink to the the students in their classrooms. April, Megan and Mak kept the kitchen running smoothly by not only preparing the individual plates, but washing cups and plates to ensure every student recieved a meal.
Gym Class (Jordan)
...coming soon....
It was a wonderful day in Santa Ana. In the evening we were able to relax by the pool (Melvin threw Kelly in... in her only pair of jeans) and some of the team played basketaball. Pupusas were on the menu for dinner again as we joined Mevin and some of his team from ISC for dinner and then to a service at Melvins church. The end of another wonderful day.
Day 4- Comasagua (Cont.)
Today was the rest of the TLA/ISC tournament in Comasagua. Everyone really stepped up and worked together to make the event a success. In the afternoon, April, Cindy, Rick and Mona took a break for the tournament to go to a school and visit a class of 15-17 year old students that heard there were Americans in town and wanted to talk to them. They were given rock star treatment (to the point of kids asking for their autographs) and they loved it.
In the early evening, Mona, Russ, April, and Cindy went to the house of the Comasagua Pastor and his family to help make pupusas for dinner. The group all took a break from the tournament for dinner, and what an unbelievable dinner it was! Not only were the pupusas delicious, but the story that the pastor told about his family was so touching that many of the team members were in tears. I am sure the team would love to tell all of you the story themselves!
After dinner, we headed back to the tournament in time for the last couple of games and the trophy presentation. Tyler challeneged the youth of Comasagua to step up as leaders and the Comasagua youth leaders presented thier plans for the community. It was a beautiful ceremony which ended with women doing a special dance for the Americans, the Mayor presenting our team with the crest of the city, and the pastor presenting us with an El Salvador flag.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Day 3 - Comasagua
All in all, everyone is doing very well. No one has gotten sick and everyone seems to be sleeping well. We thank you so very much for keeping us in your prayers, they are clearly having an impact! Hope all is well back home!
Day 2 - Puerto del Diablo
After everyone had time to soak in the surrounding view, we gathered at the peak of the mountain as the pastor shared his experience ministering in the prison and his vision for how our work will have an impact. The message lit a fire in the team and everyone is looking forward to the prison ministry and what God has in store. We are learning that God plans much bigger than we can dream.
Day 1- Buenos Aires
The children were so happy to spend time with everyone! Cindy quickly became the center of the universe as all the children lined up to have her paint their faces. Katy did a wonderful job organizing the games and the children spent the afternoon blowing bubbles, jumping rope, throwing Frisbees and finally (their favorite event) hitting the piƱata!
The community was in awe as they watched Beth, Mark, Russ and April demonstrate how to purify the water. The community leader was so excited to fill up cups of the now potable water and pass them out to the members of the community! It was a beautiful sight to see. All in all, a wonderful and fulfilling first day of service for the team.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Mountain Retreat Paddling Video
Mountain Retreat Video